Sign Up for Virtual Playdates 1Parent & Child Information2Session Information3Contact Information4Comments Thank you so much for your interest! After you fill this out, we will email you to connect you to a kind kid/carer for your child's playdate! You will not be charged for anything until after your playdates. What is this? Virtual, short-term engagement with your kids in the form of a playdate or tutoring, with a focus on fun activities. Our pre-screened team of Kind Kids–recruited from Stanford and other leading universities–will videoconference (Zoom, Google Hangout or Facetime) your house and spend 30-60 minutes with your child. They might chat, play charades, do crafts, play music, read books, exercise, or any number of enriching activities based on what the parent and child need! FAQs If you have any other questions, feel free to call/text Kylie at 6505566939 or email We will never share your information with anyone other than our team members.What's your name?* First Last Name(s) and age(s) of child/children you want to sign up (note, there is an additional fee of $5 per child per session for multiple children):I.e. Declan (5), Jada (10) Session Length 30 Minutes 45 Minutes 60 Minutes Please choose your session length (You can change this later)Add-ons/Packages 10 Sessions (10% discount + subscription to Doodle's Activities) 10 Week Subscription to Doodle's Activities ($10 a week/$100) 5 Week Subscription to Doodle's Activities ($50) Gift/donate a 30 Minute session ($20) Please select any add-ons/packagesIf you've chosen to gift/donate a session, would you like it gift it to anyone in particular? If so, please include their name and contact information.When (day/time) do you want to have a playdate? (It's fine if you don't know, just put down TBD).e.g. Thursday from 6-7, PST Phone*Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Questions and comments? Thank you!